6 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Acne Scars

All of us have been plagued with acne some time or another in our lives. In fact, this skin condition affects 17 million in the United States alone, and it's not just a hormonal teen problem.
Most of all those seeking acne help online would probably have tried the usual over-the-counter remedies. They would also have experienced such agony and embarrassment with their stubborn acne condition, that they are willing to try anything to get rid of the zits. Without care hygiene and the right acne treatment, some of these acne sufferers would have already developed scars.
Fortunately, there are 6 easy ways in which acne scars can be taken cared of. I will reveal 3 natural acne scar remedies, and another 3 scar treatments that your dermatologist would probably recommend you.
Natural Acne Scar Remedies
1) Aloe Vera Gel
This remedy is simple to use, cheap and easily available. Aloe vera gel has been used on the skin for thousands of years, and its soothing and calming properties helps boost the immune system and also to hasten the skin regeneration process. Once applied, swelling will be reduced and new skin cells easily grow, helping your acne scars to disappear quickly.
2) Use egg whites
By shrinking the pores, egg whites work great to stop breakouts. Apart from that, egg whites help lighten your skin tone, ridding your scars in the process. This form of acne help is cheap and effective. All you need to do is to get 3 egg whites and apply them on your face 3 times a week for maximum effectiveness.
3) Baking soda
This unlikely candidate in a series of acne scar remedies actually works well to remove dead skin cells, and thus speed up recovery. All you need to do is to mix some baking soda with water and apply on your face where it's affected. Leave for a minute and then rinse with warm water. Follow with moisturizer or even olive oil. 
Scar Treatment from Dermatologists
4) Focal Acne Scar Treatment 
Also termed as F.A.S.T., this acne scar treatment erases the scars on the skin by just treating 15 to 20% of the affected skin areas. A CO2 laser is used to send heat down the dermis layer of the skin. Just by doing this, collagen production is stimulated and fills up the scars of the skin. The result? - acne scar removal in just 15 minutes.
5) Scar removal creams
If your scars are still at their early stage, using scar removal creams that are a 100% medical-grade silicone may do the trick. These are great for raised scars. Some creams also contain hydroquinone, which helps to lighten the skin tone.
6) Punch Excision
Under local anesthesia, a biopsy tool that fits to the size of the scar is used to remove the scar, and the edges of the skin are sutured together again. Once it heals the scar is hardly noticeable. An alternative to being sutured together would be skin grafting where a punch skin graft is taken from another part of the body, to be placed on the defect where the acne scar used to be.
With all the options above on acne help, you should be able to get rid of your scars in no time!

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